Martial Arts
MRN Editor David Adam talks to Robert Bentley of Legacy Martial Arts about getting kids involved in the sport. State of Play is sponsored by Tri-City Sports and XCel Performance and Training.
Read MorePat Atwell, Culver-Stockton AD
Brad Hoyt, JWCC Basketball Coach/AD
Brad Hoyt thrives on chasing championship moments. The John Wood Community College men’s basketball coach places such a high priority on that concept his players use the “championships are cool” mantra whenever they discuss expectations and goals. The other JWCC coaches are embracing the idea, too. It’s why Hoyt, who also serves as the JWCC…
Read MoreSit down with the AD: Josh Rabe discusses the future of QU athletics
QUINCY — Josh Rabe’s wardrobe is different. His daily routine is, too. After the Quincy University baseball team was eliminated from the NCAA Division II Midwest Regional on May 29, Rabe made his transition from coaching to administration. On June 1, he officially moved into his role as the Quincy University athletic director, having spent…
Read MoreTraining
MRN Editor David Adam talks to Chris Bockius and Tony Douglas about training and conditioning of young athletes. State of Play is sponsored by Tri-City Sports and XCel Performance and Training.
Read MoreVideo comments from Wednesday’s Rental Registration meeting
Comments from a committee member and two landlords, one of whom is also a member of Quincy’s Safe and Livable Housing Committee.
Read MoreMuddy Mississippi Mixer: Anjay Clark
Brittany Boll talks to Anjay Clark of Instant Replay as our third and final finalist for the Muddy Mississippi Mixer contest.
Read MoreSchuckman: Two weeks out from the launch of Muddy River Sports
Muddy River Sports Editor Matt Schuckman talks about what is going into the new website as we reach closer to the August 16 launch.
Read MoreVolleyball
MRN Editor David Adam talks with Sara Janes of the Hometown Hitters, a youth travel volleyball club, about that sport and how it is changing. State of Play is sponsored by Tri-City Sports and XCel Performance and Training.
Read MoreDOB and the BBB: Student Loan scams
Don O’Brien with the Better Business Bureau talks to Bob Gough about what to watch out for when taking out student loans.
Read MoreMuddy Mississippi Mixer: Caitlin Craig
The second finalist in our Muddy Mississippi Mixer bartender contest is Caitlin Craig from Spring Street Bar. Brittany Boll gives us this preview.
Read MoreSoccer
Muddy River News Editor David Adam talks youth soccer with Cody Smith of Quincy United. You can get your Quincy United gear at Tri-City Sports who, along with XCel Performance and Training, are the sponsors of State of Play.
Read MoreSoftball
Muddy River News Editor David Adam talks to Lori Vogel about youth softball. Lori pitched for Quincy Notre Dame and Illinois State and has been coaching and teaching pitching to area girls for years. State of Play is sponsored by Tri-City Sports and XCel Performance and Training.
Read MoreJerrod Welch
MRN Publisher/GM Bob Gough gets an update on Adams County’s COVID status from Jerrod Welch, administrator of the Adams County Health Department.
Read MoreMUDDY RIVER MINUTE: Matt Schuckman
Muddy River Sports (debuting August 16) Editor Matt Schuckman discusses his move to the Muddy River family.
Read MorePublic Comments from the July 21 Quincy School Board meeting
Randy Industries provided the videography from the Quincy School Board meeting, where the focus was on masks for students during the upcoming school years. Masks are required to ride busses, but they are not mandatory anywhere else on school property. The caveat being as long as the COVID numbers don’t go back up and the…
Read MoreBasketball
Muddy River News Editor David Adam talks to Tom VanderBor with the Quincy Crusaders and Quincy Aces and Sean Dean with Quincy Little Devils about youth basketball. State of Play is sponsored by Tri-City Sports and XCel Performance and Training.
Read MoreMike Bruns, Quincy Park District
Muddy River News Editor David Adam talks to Mike Bruns, who has been working with youth sports in Quincy for 40 years. State of Play is brought to you by Tri-City Sports and XCel Performance and Training.
Brittany Boll is interviewing each of the three finalists for the Muddy Mississippi Mixer competition. The first finalist is Chris Austin of the Taproom, 104 North 6th, Quincy. Here’s a sample of Brittany and Chris discussing cocktails. We will have interviews with the other two finalists next week and then you can start voting on…
Read MoreBaseball
Muddy River News Editor David Adam discusses youth baseball with two men who are helping grow the game locally: Rich Polak with Complete Game Training and Darin Dodd. State of Play is brought to you Tri-City Sports and XCel Performance and Training.
Read MoreDavid Adam on WTAD
Muddy River News Editor David Adam sat down with Steve Boll and Mary Griffith on the WTAD morning show to discuss Muddy River News.
Read MoreDavid Adam – Football
“State of Play” is a series of podcasts during which the state of youth sports in Quincy and the surrounding area are being examined. David Adam, editor of Muddy River News, is the host. State of Play is sponsored by Tri-City Sports in the Maine Center at Sixth and Maine, and by Xcel Performance Health…
Read MoreMUDDY RIVER MINUTE: Muddy River News/Sports announcement on WTAD
Muddy River News/Sports GM/Publisher Bob Gough chats with Steve Boll and Mary Griffith on the WTAD Morning Show about Matt Schuckman and Steve Eighinger joining the team along with David Adam, Brittany Boll and Jim Dewey. Gough is a partner of Muddy River News LLC with Jim Rapp and Mike Kinscherff.
Read MoreMUDDY RIVER REVIEW: Steve Eighinger
Steve Eighinger talks about…well…lots of things…He is now a member of the Muddy River News team.
Read MoreMatt Schuckman
On Muddy River News Furnished by Harvey’s, MRN Publisher/GM Bob Gough talks with the man who will continue to cover local sports in our Muddy River Neighborhood: Veteran sportswriter Matt Schuckman, now the editor of Muddy River Sports.
Don O’Brien with the Better Business Bureau talks about vacation scams.
Read MoreMUDDY RIVER MINUTE: Previewing Friday’s BIG announcement!
MUDDY RIVER REVIEW – Hannibal Happenings with Jim Dewey
Veteran broadcaster Jim Dewey is contributing to Muddy River News and letting us know what is happening in America’s Hometown. Bob Gough and Jim talk about life on the Mississippi with the annual National Tom Sawyer Days and the friendly rivalry between Hannibal and Quincy.
Read MoreMaybe Quincy needs a Target after all…
Possibly the funniest thing I’ve seen online all year…
Read MoreState Sen. Jil Tracy
On Muddy River News This Week, furnished by Harvey’s, Bob Gough talks to State Senator Jil Tracy (R-Quincy) about the recently-wrapped up session in Springfield and the new 50th Senate District, which she’ll represent when she runs for re-election in 2022.
Read MoreMuddy River Review: Congressman Rodney Davis
Courtesy of WMAY.
Read MoreMuddy River Review – Youth Sports with David Adam
Bob Gough and David Adam discuss the state of youth sports in Quincy…where it was, where it is and where it could go.
Read MoreMuddy River Minute – It’s a beautiful day in the Muddy River neighborhood
State Rep. Randy Frese
On Muddy River News This Week, Furnished by Harvey’s, We talk to the 94th District State Representative from Quincy about the recently wrapped-up (sort of) General Assembly session and how redistricting affects West-Central Illinois.
Read MoreWATCHMEN REDUX: Steve McQueen
Steve McQueen is one of the founders of the Quincy Tea Party, a group that continues to be active in local politics and community service. The QTP is hosting Freedom Fest at Quincy’s Clat Adams Park on July 3-4. MRN GM/Publisher Bob Gough spoke with McQueen about that event, the founding of the QTP and…
Read MoreMUDDY RIVER MINUTE – Support local businesses
The Muddy River News studio is all decked out.
Read MoreParaeducators perform critical functions for little pay
QUINCY — Anne Meyer remembers why she became a paraeducator. She had been teaching physical education classes at St. Francis School, but when her daughter, Grace, started kindergarten at Washington School, Meyer changed her teaching role. Fourteen years later, with Grace now out of high school, Meyer knows why she continues as a paraeducator in…
Read MoreJoe Henning, Quincy Fire Department
QUINCY — Joe Henning is retiring as chief of the Quincy Fire Department in mid-July. He has a new job lined up, but he will remain in Quincy close to his family and remain active in our community. He also was recently named as the winner of the Adams County United Way’s Joe Bonansinga Service…
Thomas St. John’s favorite sport is hockey, which is pretty rare for a 10-year-old from Madison, Wisconsin. He has some suggestions to help his favorite team, the Winnipeg Jets.
Read MoreProposed residential rental registration program meets resistance from City Council
QUINCY — Michael Seaver, director of inspection and enforcement for the City of Quincy, brought Monday night to the Quincy City Council a proposed ordinance to establish a residential rental registration program. It wasn’t met with open arms. Mike Farha and Tony Sassen, 4th Ward alderman, both said they couldn’t support the proposal. Jeff Bergman,…
Read MoreMuddy River Minute – June 7, 2021
Let’s make the most of it when we have big events in Quincy.
Read MoreAl Unser, Jr. starts Championship Sunday
The 11 championship races are underway at the Quincy Grand Prix of Karting.
Read MoreChampionship Sunday at the Grand Prix of Karting
The cacophony of engines buzzing with the bells of Blessed Sacrament Parish rolls through the morning air on Quincy’s South Side today. Drivers are getting their final warmup laps in this morning before Championship Sunday begins at 11:30 am. Here’s today’s schedule:
Read MoreTerry Traeder, President of Quincy Grand Prix of Karting
Race day in Quincy! The 50th anniversary of the Grand Prix of Karting is underway
The race is on! Blue skies, warm temperatures…it’s time to race in South Park. Muddy River News is here all weekend bringing you the thrills, chills and (hopefully few) spills. Come down the park. Bring your cooler and something to sit on. It’s a Quincy tradition. Here I am discussing the start of racing with…
Read MoreCalm before the storm: South Park prepares for the Grand Prix of Karting
After a one-year COVID-induced cancellation, Quincy’s great American tradition is back this weekend. The Grand Prix of Karting will see about 350 karters from across the country bring their best to the Gem City and make the park buzz…literally. Race Director Rick Fulks talks about preparing for the race: The action begins at 8:30 a.m.…
Read MoreSayeed Ali, Quincy School Board
On Muddy River News This Week, Furnished by Harvey’s, The Quincy School Board president talks about getting through a school year dominated by pandemic procedures and moving forward.
Read MoreFireworks Superstore
PAID ADVERTISEMENT: For the lowest priced fireworks in Missouri, look no further than Hannibal! The Fireworks Superstore LLC was built in 2006 and is open year-round. Tom Marx and his son, Josh, created The Fireworks Superstore with two things in mind: to provide the world’s largest fireworks selection in America under one roof at the…
Read MoreSenate passes FOID fix with optional fingerprint submission
SPRINGFIELD — The Senate passed its own version of legislation regarding changes with the FOID card late Monday. Supporters of the bill say it should ease the backlog of issuing FOID’s by The Illinois State Police. Opponents argue it hurts law abiding citizens rather than targeting criminals who should not have guns as the criminals…
Read MoreMemorial Day Minute
One month in and Muddy River News seems to be going over very well.
Read MoreMark McCloskey – May 7, 2021
Video from the Lewis County GOP Dinner. Video by Tim Spake and Leo Olson.
Read MoreMUDDY RIVER REVIEW – Jeff Dorsey
Local broadcaster Jeff Dorsey announced this week he was leaving the area airwaves after more than 40 years. MRN GM/Publisher Bob Gough has known Dorsey for more than 30 of those years and they talk about the state of local broadcasting and what “The Big Dog” might do next.
Read MoreWhat is a redux? Rush’s legacy
The debut of Watchmen Redux: A no-woke zone.
Read MoreGrown ‘n Gathered to become organic test kitchen for national franchise
QUINCY — Michele Wilkerson wanted to expand Grown ‘n Gathered, a specialty food store that combines the attributes of a farmer’s market, a grocery store and family kitchen. Doug Stritzel, founder of the Pickelman’s Gourmet Cafe franchise, wanted to add more organic food to his menu. Wilkerson and Stritzel now are working together to convert…
Bob Gough and David Adam of Muddy River News talk about doing news today compared to doing news in the late 1980’s. There have been a few changes.
Read MoreMuddy River Review, Episode 1
Don O’Brien with the Better Business bureau joins us to talk about scams and how to avoid them.
Read MoreMuddy River Minute for May 6, 2021
Muddy River Minute 5-4
Capitol News Illinois Podcast
Journalists discuss the week’s events in Springfield, Chicago and all across Illinois
Read MoreOpening Day on WTAD
MRN Publisher/General Manager Bob Gough talks about the first day online for Muddy River News with Steve Boll and Mary Griffith on WTAD.
Read MoreMuddy River News Opening Day on WTAD
MRN Publisher/General Manager Bob Gough discusses the first day online for Muddy River News with Steve Boll and Mary Griffith of WTAD on Friday, April 30.
Read More